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Tech to Manage the ACA 1557 Non-Discrimination Notification Requirement

The Affordable Care Act has it’s problems, but it does try to make things better.  One way it does this is by making sure that people who speak different languages don’t lose out on care.

If you are like me, as a member of a bunch of professional societies, you may have been hearing from your professional societies that by October 19th clinics with more than 15 employees must post non-discrimination notices in the top 15 local languages.

What a great thing, right?  In CA we know that many people are diagnosed later and get less in the way of services.  This is step in the right direction.

Still, what a mess that will make on the walls.   And even with 15 languages covered I tend to run into all kinds of people who have all kinds of backgrounds.

So… (shameless promotion) I got my tech company, SymPlay, to make an app to have this all on an iPAD and make it more convenient.

We included all 63 required languages and more*

We hope to be part of the solution, helping ALL families get access to good care.

And if we make any money on this I plan to drive it back into R&D for apps that support developmental approaches to social communication.


*Hint: do you know this language?

Because you never know who you will be treating next:

Joshua Feder, M.D. Dr. Feder's Blog

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