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Reflective Processing and ICDL Presentation Groups


Reflective Processing and ICDL Presentation Groups

J Feder, MD

Reflective process and the complexity of ICDL presentation groups:

ICDLPG’s are unlike anything else I know of.

They require structure and organization as well as reflective capacity.

Faculty need to manage the time and asses a number of competencies, while making it valuable.

The process of the groups contain elements of many other types of group processes.

Feder’s training: 2008-2009 Structure of presentations, 2009-2010 Reflective process.

Structure of presentations: See guidelines.

Every professional needs to be engaged in a reflective process with someone or some group.  No one can effectively work in isolation because no one knows everything.  Isolation, at the very least, curbs growth of insight and ideas; it’s worst breeds rigidity, loss of direction, blinds the professional to issues she needs others to see, and leaves the professional vulnerable to boundary crossings and violations. 

Reflection is an FEDL level IX function…

Guidelines for reflective process:

[Adapted from Guidance from Anne McLevie-Spooner 100709.  Any omissions or misstatements are mine and mine alone – J. Feder)

1.The purpose of the group is to allow the presenter to engage in problem solving.

2. The group’s job is to allow the presenter to do this.

3. The presenter gives a brief vignette, perhaps with video, and states the problem or problems she wants to work on.

4. The group uses reflective comments to help the presenter think about the problem.

5. The group must avoid giving direct advice and opinions to allow the presenter to problem solve.

6. Group members will naturally think about similar situations and may share those with the presenter.

7. The group leader will often follow the affect or emotional themes as a way to guide the process, e.g., wondering about the presenter’s feelings related to the problem and thinking about the child’s or parent’s feelings too.

8. The group leader manages time and concludes the moment by checking in with the presenter to see if there has been any shift in the presenter’s thinking that might help in solving the problem presented.


Joshua D. Feder, M.D.
415 North Highway 101, Suite E
Solana Beach, CA 92075
Phone: 619-417-7506
Fax: (888) 959-2137

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